IH Day

Lazers, castles made of air, mechanical creatures and fairy floss. Last Saturday’s IH day was truly something out of a fantasy adventure novel. 


IH Day

Dew glistening upon blades of grass… …piercing the verdant sheen with vibrant bursts of prismatic colour. …You could say the morning was a lazy…

Humans of IH – Martin Sy

A little while ago there was a wonderful idea that was passed around the table without anything actually happening. I do conclude that this…

ICAC Report

  Last week we were fortunate enough to witness the birth of a new ICAC event, ‘The Showcase.’ The event was a classy night…

Bikes for Adoption

Hidden behind the gates of New Building is a collection of abandoned bikes. Twisted between weeds and vines these bikes sit slowly oxidising in…

A Schep Too Far

I managed when they took our footpath. I was miffed when they took our internet. I was vexed when they took our water. I…