September, 2014

How To Study on YouTube

Cat Videos, Let’s Play videos, Vlogs, prank videos and remixes of basically everything. This is the YouTube that most of us know. An impossible…

Let’s Talk About Sex

Everyone’s heard how important is to get tested. But what actually happens behind that heavy doctor’s door? Do they enter your special orifices with…

ICAC Report

  Last week we were fortunate enough to witness the birth of a new ICAC event, ‘The Showcase.’ The event was a classy night…

The Camberwell Market.

Camberwell? Outside the city? Off the IH grounds? What even is a train? Alrighty then, people, I have one word for you…   ADVENTURE….


Imagine sitting in a lecture. Something seems to be muffling your ears so all you can hear is a buzzing drone. Then the ceiling…

Bikes for Adoption

Hidden behind the gates of New Building is a collection of abandoned bikes. Twisted between weeds and vines these bikes sit slowly oxidising in…